Inner Child Play….

inner child play

If life has been a bit tough lately….then I would invite you to now notice the playfulness of nature…

Gurgling streams, dancing light, humming birds, fluttering leaves and twinkling stars….

Be aware of these and other miracles that exist all around you every day.

We cannot see much of our world. The air we breathe as a gift from the trees, the electromagnetic field that surrounds our beloved planet, the radio carrier waves for our radios and wi-fi, and the gravity that keeps us firmly on solid ground.

However, we can FEEL much more than we have ever been able to before. Balance with intention is the key to more joy in your life. This is easier to be aware of when we are out in nature.

So, be sure to walk along a beach, dance in the rain, go for a literal ‘roll down the hill’ just for the fun of it, go for a run somewhere and hear the birds in the nearby trees, and just sit on a patch of grass and close your eyes and breathe slowly in….and out….and in…..and out….and relax into the earth and feel those connections with everything that would seek to help make our souls sing!

Remember, that even when the world SEEMS somehow amiss, we can choose to seek out the best here that is always on offer to each of us….

All creation wants to play with you……are you ready?

Many Blessings,
Barbara White Wolf xxxx

Copyright © 2014 by Barbara Lockhart. All Rights Reserved. You may quote, translate or link to this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and as long as you credit the author and you include this copyright notice link: All other uses of this article are prohibited.Thank You for your understanding.

About spirited13

Hi! I have been a qualified practitioner in the natural health field for over 35 years. I use Homoeopathy, The Liquid Crystals, Native American Energy Healing, EFT, Australian Bush Flower Essences, Bach Remedies, Ancient Essences, Body Psychometry and Face Reading, Iridology, Touch for Health, Light Life Tools, and Feng Shui. I am a Master/Teacher of Usui Reiki, Angelic Reiki and Seichim. I also hold weekly Spiritual Wisdom meetings, with MIND-BODY-SPIRIT topics and Meditation and healing. I love helping people find their wellness within, because within us is where the real work takes place for us to find our health, and our happiness. For everyone that comes to see me different information will come depending upon what is needed from each modality that I currently use. All I really do is help you with your energy. We are all made of energy and when it is in a state of imbalance then we feel unwell. This can occur in our physical, emotional, mental or spiritual states. The key for many is to look for why things happen, not just a quick fix. Sometimes fears contribute to what is occurring. Know that it is okay to let go of things in our subconscious in order to move forward and I try to help you with this. The key is to look for what you have gained from this particular situation, so you no longer repeat it again. I appreciate all of you who are looking for that spark of whatever is seemingly missing or lost within you. You are all amazing if you will only believe in yourselves. Sending Many Blessings to All, Hugs of Light, Barbara xxx
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